
End-of-Year Review

The energy to create is always around me. From a child who wrote and coloured in the pages of my poems, to the frantic adulter who races through life from one task on the to-do list to the next. However, the flurry of ideas leads to decision fatigue, and inevitably procrastination sets in.


What if I saw women who looked like me growing up?

In the early 2000s, you would be lucky to see a fuller lip in an advert, let alone a fuller bust or body. I felt so outside the sphere of beauty. There was no schema for a young black girl in London with big thighs and bigger boobs. The biggest store in my school was Tammy Girl, and I remember harassing my mum to take me there to get a pair of jeans. I was so excited!


Just Do It!

There is a part of me that just checks out. Completely zones into this transcendental space. Free from time, commitments and obligations. For a second, everything stops, and numbness takes over. 

I used to fall into these moments like a comfort blanket – ready, warm and cosy. These moments would precipitate anxiety about my appearance and internal jitters when readying the war paint for social functions.


Bra fitting IRL

With our new work schedules, most of us find ourselves back in the office at least 1-3 days now. We’ve learnt so much more about work-life balance and having flexibility in our schedules. So imagine my joy when I discovered that Beija London has a store just 15mins from my workplace. And not just any regular smegular bra store, one that stocks bras up to an H. Erm… excuse me, what a find! Of course, I had to venture down there, and lunchtime is as good a time as any. 


Wise Woman

Halloween for everyone else is a time to dress up, to party, to put on a mask, or to honour their passed loved ones.

For me, and my paternal family, it’s the day of my grandmothers birth. So every year I go and visit her, share some food, drink, and hear lots of her fabulous stories.

To honour her, and celebrate her gift of storytelling. I thought I’d share the story of my first bra, of which she played a part.


Loving Yourself

The journey to self-love and body confidence has been long and arduous. 

There are peaks and troughs, and some days despite my love for myself, I still get caught on my hang-ups. The side of my belly that overhangs, my bunions, and the annoying hairs that always reappear on my chin. These are the not so good days. But I wouldn’t say bad, not anymore. 


The Bedroom and Underwear

The Bedroom and Underwear is such a fascinating subject for me. I guess this is because the patriarchy teaches that ‘we women’ wear lingerie to allure the opposite sex. But we wear it, whenever, wherever, with whomever we want.  Nonetheless, it forms an interesting part of the conversations we have with ourselves, and our friendsContinue reading “The Bedroom and Underwear”


Sale Shopping on a Budget

For a “Fuller Cup Gal” who loves lingerie there are so many different brands to choose from, but with the ranging costs, one could easily end up in the red. We all shop for different reasons, with varying budgets. However, any good shopper knows there’s no better shop that one with a bargain, and I love a sale!

He loves me, He loves me not…

Kicking off this love season with Eros! This is romantic love. The idea of wanting a connection or physical touch is definitely not lost on me. As a single gal, I feel the yearning for love and, I desire love returned. Who wouldn’t desire a hug and kiss from someone they find sexy, especially nowContinue reading “He loves me, He loves me not…”